Friday, June 7, 2013 ghd straightener lem48

Tomahawk exam Bill left hand holding down a split shot to a curved blade to Raymond. Circular edges and curved blade combined into a huge cross Raymond chopping off. Raymond frowned, acute and dodge to the right and the opportunity to avoid a strike, but did not fight back, but before the electric shock Raymond does Shou Lexie enough, Raymond dare to try. See Raymond escaped the blow, exam Bill mind a little scared: Impossible, ghd straightener obviously by the Thunder Axe shock why so smart?

The ice elemental energy quickly cohesion. Test Bill look of do not care, as if nothing like watching Raymond mantra. Underestimate ghd, just free ghd straighteners worries about your fight. Raymond thought to himself. Raymond at this time do not want to completely and test Bill Melee, Khao Bill attack surprisingly high, and not fight back, although the electric shock to life, but not fun ah, and electric shock after recovery will take some time, who knows this time will not be a problem ah. Around the ice element completely gather over high degree of cohesion, gradually forming a small ice particles, appear in Raymond mouth.

Raymond barked command, the ice particles Arrow general injection. Test Bill's face light with a smile, does not care the blow, see the ice particles shot to the left hand lift is necessary to use the Thunder Axe defense. Test Bill hearts surprised, and hurried to move the body. The next moment, ice throughout the test Bill's chest, shot out from the back. The exam Bill almost could not believe it. ghd straighteners Self-confidence, to attack each other again soon, so far away enough to defend yourself up and Thunder Axe. However, the blow is too fast, almost a few tenths, or even 0.0 for a few seconds, they have caught.

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