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However, see the next action after Zhou Yi, Greg - Monroe 's face was puzzled disappear, instead it is a look of admiration. And Chris Bosh - see Belts action after sè suddenly a black face, this guy is too cunning anhu. Belts shouting Greg - after Monroe, wanted to pass the ball cheap nike air max 's. But I did not expect - Chris Bosh ray ban uk react quickly, even directly back to defend Greg - Monroe. Belts with a wry smile found himself in space, so do not hesitate to mulberry outlet shot.

Greg - Monroe was Chris Bosh - stuck position,nike air max 90, Chris Bosh - a turn quickly to support the foot axis, gently flash, then recovered quickly moving feet, turned to start. This time Greg - Monroe has been shaking from the center of gravity, simply can not be prevented - Chris Bosh 's footsteps. Chris Bosh - an easy layup, the sunglasses outlet first team to get two points for the Heat. Pistons offense, McGrady came to the arc of the ball, Zhang is a record third hand, but unfortunately not in Greg - Monroe will - Chris Bosh arrived behind, so Samuel - Durham Potter took off offensive rebounds.

Miami's offense,nike air max 1, LeBron - James scram jump shot, so the home fans excited, James also shot a blacksmith, Belts grabbed a defensive rebound. Belts dribble advance to each other beyond the arc, the ball does not stay in the hands of a second, fast ball to McGrady. Face Wade 's defense, McGrady shot directly a pull-up jumper, the ball hit the rebound bounced out, Haiti center Samuel - Samuel Dalembert grabbed the offensive rebound again tipped, but tipped not in - Chris Bosh protect defensive rebounds.

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